
second article || first part

Hello readers, in this occasion I would like to review the second article. However, first of all I will show you the title, author and other data about the article that I would like to review. Title : Vocabulary Development of Kindergarten Students of Apple Tree Pre-School     Samarinda by Using Flashcard Author : Nadia Mustika Rachmita E-mail : Page : 119 – 130 Before I start to review the article, I would like to tell you that this review will be several parts, and I will post every part once a week insya Allah. So let start to review the first part of this article. This part including the introduction, methodology, and research subject of this article. As we know that English is as a foreign language in Indonesia. In this global era, English become one thing that we have to achieve. Therefore, currently so many parents who send their children to the school that provide English program. The author state that teaching English for young l...

the gaps of two article

Okay readers, this blog is written to fill up my task from my lecturer to read two international article/journal that talked the same thing. After that, found the gaps of both article whether the same and the differences. At last, I found one the same thing, and 5 differences of both article. First of all, I would like to tell the same thing from both article. It’s only in the discussion topic, because both of journal are discussed the same thing that’s are teaching strategy to improve students vocabulary comprehension. After that, I am to tell you about the differences of both article, but I would like to describe that by a table, so you can easily look the clear differences from both article.  No. FIRST ARTICLE SECOND ARTICLE 1 The author does not mention the methodology that he used to collected the data or during the research. The researcher told that the method he used in his research is Clas...

last review and the result

In my previous review, I tell you about the techniques that used for teaching vocabulary to learners. In addition, not only the techniques, the author also tell the strategies of learning vocabulary. To make this learning vocabulary be successful, a teachers need to combine more than one techniques and suggested to employ planned vocabulary presentation as various as possible. Murcia (2001) included a few strategies that the first strategy is guessing meaning from context, the second is mnemonic devices, and the last is vocabulary notebooks. Based on the techniques and the strategies that used for presenting new vocabulary that can be helpful for students to learn vocabulary in easier way. The result of this article journal is mastery of vocabulary is important for learning a language. Therefore, a teacher must always have new techniques and strategies to help students enrich their vocabulary and make it easier for students to learn a language.

IV || The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught

Assalaamualaikum Hello readers this is the next review of several components, especially about the next literature review of journal “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be taught”. Literature Review - The Description of Vocabulary    1. The definision of Vocabulary    2.  Kinds of Vocabulary    3. Vocabulary Mastery - The Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary Vocabulary is the total number of words that are needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers’ meaning. That’s the reason why it is important to learn vocabulary. Here are the Kinds of Vocabulary a.       Receptive Vocabulary, is words that learners recognize and understand when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce. (It’s vocabulary that learners recognize when they see or meet in reading text but don’t use in speaking and writing (Stuart Webb, 2005). b.       Productive Vocabul...

review 3rd || The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be Taught

Bismillah Assalaamualaikum Hello readers this is the next review of several components, especially about literature review of journal “The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be taught”. Literature review - The Importance of Learning Vocabulary - English in the Saudi Educational System - Teaching Vocabulary In the literature review the author said that vocabulary knowledge is important for students of English education, because vocabulary can affect the successful of communication. Based on authors’ teaching experience, he found the English learning system in schools focusses more on grammar mastery, even though actually students majoring in English are very dependent on their supervision of vocabulary rather than  grammar. In fact, as much as vocabulary students have, they will get better learn, but learning of grammar should not be eliminated or ignored. The other problem is that there are still many teachers who are still confused about how to tea...

review 2nd || The importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be Taught

Halloo everyone..  come back again with me on my blog As like what I said last week that i would like to review the journal of The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to be Taught each part per week. This time I am going to review the intoduction of that journal. Hope you enjoy it To make a sentence or read something we should know the meaning of each vocabulary first. Therefore, vocabulary is one of the important part of learning english. Cameron argue that "Vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas in language, plays a great role for learners in acquiring a language" (Cameron, 2001). I agree with Cameron's statement, because when I read several books or journals, I found it difficult to understand the meaning of the contents of the reading, because I did not know the meaning of each vocab. Also when I try to make sentences, I feel confused because I lack vocabulary. When I don't know the meaning of each vocab. Some researchers also argue tha...

The Importance of Vocabulary in English Learning and How to be Taught

Assalaamuaalaikum Halloo everyone Welcome back on my blog Since the end of the Second World War in 1945 English become an international language. Now a day, so many people who want to master English, because when they master English they can talk with other people in different country and also can get information easily. As we know, English is a foreign language in our country Indonesia, accordingly we only get the material to understanding English in the school. Therefore, school has a big responsibility for students ability about English. Thus far, many teachers are not confident about the best practice in vocabulary teaching and at times do not know where to begin till the most basic principle in vocabulary teaching and learning have been forgotten or ignored, because schools usually only focus on learning grammar. Wilkins (1972) states that: There is not much value in being able to produce grammatical sentences if one has not got the vocabulary that is needed to convey what on...