Naming Traditions in Poland

Hellooo readers.. Of course, you often hear Poland, right? Especially if you have watched Rudy Habibie film. There is one character played by Chelsea Islan and told that she is from Poland. Okay let’s stop discuss about film, let’s continue to talk about naming traditional in Poland . In Poland, there is a tradition when they will name their children. Usually, they take the name from the pastor or ustadz/kiayi in Islam. Because of that, they have a celebration day for their name, which is determined by the pastor of his family. The name celebration is like a birthday celebration, and usually may people give gifts like flower, food or something else. It’s really fun when we have two day celebration for ourselves in a year. hehe They are not only have name celebration, but also have two names, that are long names and short names. For example, her long name is Malgorzata then the short name becomes gosia, the diference is far enough. Why is that, proba...